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Liebster Blog Award

 My Answers to Ema Jones:

1. Which is the most unique dish you have ever had and where?

I spent a lot of time in Germany growing up and we lived on the outskirts of Hahn Air Force Base. I cannot remember the name of the restaurant, but OMG I can remember the meals. My favorite was a battered and pan seared chop (I’m sure pork) covered in a light gravy topped with whipped cream and a grilled pineapple. I think the sided were typically green beans with almonds and mashed potatoes. I would make a trip back just for this meal!

2. Other than your niche, on what other topic would you like to blog around?

I am still fairly new at blogging, so essentially I am looking for my NICHE, but if I had to pick I would easily add cooking and recipes to my blog. Food and Fashion is always a winning combination. 

3. What will you do if you win a jackpot of $1 Million?

My dad would be well taken car of! I would purchase a house and take a well deserved vacation… Can I just will 10k, so I can take a vacation, lol.

4. How can you relate food, love and place altogether?

Food gives me fond memories of old, fun and enjoyable times. I think that is something that everyone can relate to, it brings people together… Food is love <3.

5. If you are granted a wish to transform yourself into a celebrity who will it be?

Honestly, that is scary celebs have it hard being in the spotlight and all, but I love Tia and Tamera Mowry so one of the twins. They are so humble and truly family ladies that keep it classy, I love them.

6. If you become invisible for a day, what would you like to do?

Oh, I’d be such a creep. 

7. What are the points on the basis of which you criticize a write-up?

Depends if this is work related or in essence of a blog write-up?

8. Given a chance to change the name of potato and tomato what would you name them?

This is funny to me. I think I would rename the tomato to Red Fruit and I would keep potato the same because I love the saying “Haters Gonna Hate, Potatoes Gonna Potate.”

Potatoes Gonna Potate

Potatoes Gonna Potate

9. All that glitters ain’t gold. Have you been in such a situation that compelled you to say this? Please elaborate.

Of Course! I think this is prime explain of “you live and you learn” or just growing up in general. I lived a lot of my life thinking I have everything right now and the best of the best and then as I got older I realized that I spent my hard-earned money on basic things, that become clutter! So in essence everything that glitters is not gold, but at times shiny can be an amazing color. 

10. A yummy dessert for diabetics is?

Fro Yo with Fruit toppings. I really just like froyo!!! 

11. Which is the most unusual food you’ve ever tasted/eaten?

Back to my first answer, my German delicacy 

About Me:

Hi, I’m @Dashing_Unicorn, Dominique Threat. I am new to blogging, but if I have to brand myself I’d say… I’m a bubbly, energetic, organized, fashionable, one of a kind blogger. I enjoy working out, making the most out of my days and blogging about everything in bwtween! Welcome and I am so happy Ema Nominated me!

Tweet me on Twitter @Dashing_Unicorn or on pinterest Dashing Unicorn.

 Here are my 3 Nominees for the Liebster Award:

1. Destane Moore, Fashion.Beauty.Natural Hair

2. Liz and Lifestyle, Fashion and Everyday

3. Bawsebeauty’s Blog, Lifestyle and Fashion

My questions for you lovely bloggers are:

1. What do you love most about blogging?
2. What is your biggest fear?
3. What is the first thing that comes into your head when you think of being happy?
4. What kind of blogs do you like to read?
5.  What’s your morning routine?
6. Mention two or more reasons why you began blogging?
7. What motto do you live by?
8. What is your favorite food?
9. What’s your favorite season?
10.If you could Vacation anywhere, where would it be and why?
11. What was your first blog post about?

Here are the formal rules:

1. You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
2. You must link back to the person that nominated you.
3. After completing these questions you must nominate 5-11 bloggers (with under 1000 followers) and give them 11 questions of your choice. (I nominated three)
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

Congratulations XOXO